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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Varanasi (pronounced: Vaaraanasi; < Benaaras) is considered as the city specially-loved by Shiva, and is one of the holiest places of pilgrimage in India.
Mount Kailasa (pronounced: Kailaasha) in the Himalayas is his traditional abode, for which he is calledKailasapati (Sanskrit = pati, or the lord, of mountKailasa, or the Lord dwelling in the Kailasa). In Hindu mythology, Mount Kailasa is conceived as resembling alinga (phallus), representing the center of the universe.
(II) Aspects of Lord Shiva: Explanations
Lord Shiva is known by several names and worshipped in various forms- some myths, some legends, some beliefs, some regional, and some are just stories, far beyond the facts or theories of the Hindu scriptures. Among them, just a handful of a few of them are listed below:
Panchanana Shiva: In some temples Shiva is shown with five faces. Each face has a name and represents a specific aspect. These five faces are Ishaana, Tatpurusha, Aghora, Vaamadeva and Sadyojaata. Ishaana faces south east and represents Eeshwaraaspect of Shiva known as SadaShiva, or the Eternal Shiva. Tatpurusha faces the east. He is Shiva in his aspect as a deluded purusha or ego. Aghora faces the south and represents the destructive and regenerative aspect of Shiva that, like fire, first devours life and then prepares the ground for its renewal. Vaamadeva faces north. He is healer and preserver. Sadyojaata faces west and represents the creative power of Shiva.
Anugrahamurthy: This is the milder or peaceful aspect of Lord Shiva when he is in the company of his beloved devotees or his family members.
Ugramurthy: Also known as RaudraBhairavaKankalaor Samharamurthy, this is the ferocious or angry form of Shiva, generally associated with the events during which Shiva assumed his terrible form to slay the demons or the wicked. The following are his better-known terrible forms:
Kankala-bhairava: The form which he assumed after cutting off the fifth head of Brahma.
Gajasura-vadha-murthy: The form he assumed while killing a demon named Nila.
Tripurantakmurthi: The form he assumed while destroying the three cities of gold, silver and iron built by the three sons of Andhakasura.
Kalari-murthy: the form in which he fought and defeated Yama, the god of death, to save his devotee Maarkandeya.
Bhairava-murthy: The form generally found in connection with the secret cults of Tantricism that involve his worship in the cremation grounds and grave yards.
Sarabhesa-murthy: The form in which he allegedly fought and sanctified, Narasimha, the incarnation of Vishnu.
Kamantaka-murthy: The form in which he destroyed Kama (pronunciation: Kaama), orManmatha, the god of love and lust, for disturbing him while doing penance.
Andhakasura-vadha-murthy: The form in which he defeated Andhakasura, who subsequently joined his forces as his commander and became popular as Bhringi.

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